Saturday, July 16, 2011

poison ivy pictures

poison ivy pictures. Debating on Poison Ivy or
  • Debating on Poison Ivy or

  • Llewellyn
    Nov 27, 06:39 PM
    If Apple were going to release a tablet then I would imagine it would build on the UMPC platform (Origami) but use OSX. It already has all the pieces to be successful; all it�s waiting for is a killer app. And that app is a computer specifically designed for the living room. I have my iMac sitting on the coffee table now so I know first hand how great it is to have a computer while watching TV on the sofa.

    It will do everything Macs currently do (having the same power of a macbook); however it will really inspire people to use an iTV and the iTunes music store. It will just make it all so easy.

    You will be able to show guests your iPhoto gallery directly on the pad or send it to your TV through your iTV at the touch of a button. Home movies or movie downloads will at your fingertips. No need to go cue them up in your den or office. Apple will try to make computer an integral part of your at home lifestyle whatever room you're in.

    Battery life won't be such a big deal 'cause apple will design a funky charge for the coffee/end table. Sure you can take it with you, but where you'll really love it is on the sofa.

    poison ivy pictures. Treat Poison Ivy
  • Treat Poison Ivy

  • Moyank24
    May 4, 01:42 PM
    So what are our choices? We are in a hallway right now, I believe. So we can choose to explore the hallway or do we choose to go through another door and explore that room?

    poison ivy pictures. poison ivy pictures.
  • poison ivy pictures.

  • bossxii
    Apr 7, 09:35 PM
    It's a shame so many people have the attitude that outsmarting and dominating a market space is a bad thing. Just as all the people who hate Apple because they make money hand over fist. I for one am happy to ANY company in the US actually thriving. Capitalism lives and thank god they have the resouces and the smarts to not just survive but to kick ass and grow. Since when do we cheer for the sports team kicking everyone's ass to make mistakes so the weaker, under talented team can catch up?? Seriously who thinks this way? I'm so sick of the tree hugging, let's all play nice and help everyone out attitude. How about the slackers get off their @$$ and do something for themselves.

    I grew thinking and still believe if I outsmart/outthink and/or out work my fellow worker I can carve a comfortable living and maybe retire well before the slackers that want the handouts and go work for whatever hourly paycheck they can get by putting forth the least amount of effort.

    I have no issues with competition, that is the driving force in many aspects of life and business, but the crying because they are doing something to secure their own future is retarded. HP, Rimm and many other companies with more than enough resources to make a move, simply never did. They clearly lacked vision and leadership to launch a tablet first, let alone realize the huge demand that could, or now can be waiting to buy such tablets.

    Sad day when people so blind by some ridiculous feeling toward a company are to blind to realize it's simply good business practices.

    poison ivy pictures. DC Stars - Poison Ivy
  • DC Stars - Poison Ivy

  • Eraserhead
    Apr 14, 03:30 PM
    I want line items on every single thing spent.

    You actually have to be sensible about these things. Doing that would require a giant bureaucracy to verify.

    Its quite clear that the UK government has far too much paperwork to fill in. If they (say) spend 20% of their time doing paperwork, and they instead spent 20% of their time down the pub we wouldn't really be any worse off.

    poison ivy pictures. tights or high heels,
  • tights or high heels,

  • SteveRichardson
    Aug 2, 11:30 AM (

    ... with a 70% chance that at least one of the other Mac models could see a speed bump with use of the recently released Core 2 Duo processor...

    Does he speculate there is a 100% chance that a current mac model will see a speed increase with a 70% chance that another model will see an increase as well, or that there is a 70% chance that one current model will see an increase with some unknown chance of another seeing an increase as well?

    This could have been worded better.

    poison ivy pictures. poison ivy
  • poison ivy

  • emotion
    Nov 25, 06:02 AM
    I think that is exactly right on all accounts and not farfetched at all.
    The only things is that the phoneclient will simply be Ichat and not skype.

    People have noticed recently that ichat isnt the best tool for the job that it's meant to do. An overhaul (as part of leopard?) would need to take place and could be part of the whole strategy.

    poison ivy pictures. Poison Ivy Render
  • Poison Ivy Render

  • aswitcher
    Aug 4, 07:43 AM
    Wining Switchers should be Apple's goal now.

    Agreed. So that means...

    Leopard - seemless Windows intergration...

    Target the multimedia computer market with those wanting their HDTVs and iPods to connect to their new Mac. Make the mac part of the furniture and easy to operate.

    Geek switchers. Along with Leopard / Windows, they will want decent gaming punch which means a Mac Box with pro features like replacable graphics cards but still price competative. I see a low/min Mac Pro. Could be the same machine or a variation of the multimedia one. That way 2 birds one stone.

    Keep innovating. New tech stuff early. 802.11n. iPhones. Touch screens (without touch) etc.

    poison ivy pictures. poison ivy pictures. poison
  • poison ivy pictures. poison

  • Number 41
    Mar 29, 01:52 PM
    There is nothing wrong with companies using resources abroad. It's called specialization. Why produce something for more money and less efficiently when it can be done better and cheaper elsewhere?

    Because it's rapidly becoming the case that EVERYTHING can be produced more cheaply in places like China and India -- even things that were previously thought to be "safe" industries (medical X-Rays are read in India / China, legal documents are authored overseas and sent back to the US to be signed) because they required and educated or advanced workforce.

    So, I turn the question back to you -- how will you afford to buy an iPod when you are asked to take a substantial (50% or more) pay cut because an individual in India or China can do YOUR job more cheaply.

    Globalization is a race to the bottom, and nobody seems to understand that while the 3rd world rises up, the 1st world inevitably must slide down.

    poison ivy pictures. versions of Poison Ivy so
  • versions of Poison Ivy so

  • nuckinfutz
    May 7, 10:35 AM
    The best option is to cover both ends.


    Contacts, Calendar, Bookmarks
    Small iDisk
    Find my iDevice
    Web Gallery
    Web Page


    iTunes Cloud (Lala music streaming)
    More Sync options
    Larger iDisk Pro (Dropbox like speed)
    Larger Web space and Gallery
    Online Backup Pro (Collaboration and editing)

    I'm ready to go Google Free. I just need to know Mobileme is worth investing in more.

    poison ivy pictures. Poison Ivy
  • Poison Ivy

  • Consultant
    Mar 29, 08:51 AM
    Hilarious that companies are copying Apple rumors now.

    Arn, we need an article that Apple is developing a space ship!

    poison ivy pictures. JSC 981016 Poison Ivy 2.
  • JSC 981016 Poison Ivy 2.

  • bushido
    Mar 31, 06:30 AM
    Please educate me - I am apparently one of the ironically unaware people. Who invented the iPod? Are you talking about MP3 players in general, or specifically the iPod with scroll wheel, white design etc? Or are you just talking about Jonny Ive? I am intrigued by this fact that you are aware of but most other people aren't.

    I would also argue that Apple aren't necessarily innovators, but what they do better than anyone else is spot the Next Big Thing and then manage to make it look so good and work so well that it becomes incredibly popular. This was the case with the MP3 player, the smartphone, touchscreens, tablets... and those are just the primary examples.

    poison ivy pictures. poison ivy
  • poison ivy

  • guzhogi
    Jul 22, 02:27 PM
    I'd like to see Mac Minis start at $499, MacBooks & iMacs start at $999, MacBook Pro start out at $1499 and the Mac Pro at $1999. Maybe add a midtower mac at $1499. Don't know how likely this is, but just a thought

    poison ivy pictures. Poison ivy rash
  • Poison ivy rash

  • Don't panic
    May 5, 05:03 PM
    I feel for you, lass.

    nothin' a good meaty soup can't fix.
    when properly prepared, goblin taste just like chicken.

    poison ivy pictures. Aquaman, Poison Ivy,
  • Aquaman, Poison Ivy,

  • Full of Win
    Apr 21, 05:08 PM
    I think the next Mac Pro refresh will be a huge milestone. Not only will it be the first case redesign in nearly a decade and add all the latest tech (USB3, sata III, thunderbolt, etc) but I believe Apple will take this opportunity to finally revise the pricing structure. Over the past few years, Apple has been making a clear shift towards the consumer market. Part of that is arguably negative ("dumbing things down") but the positive is more reasonable prices. The Mac Pro is the only computer left that hasn't been revised. My hope is that Apple will create a few models of the new Mac Pro, at least one of which is an affordable mid-range consumer tower starting under the the $2,000 mark.

    Unfortunately, they will probably wait to use the new performance desktop/server sandy bridge CPUs which Intel won't have ready until Q4 2011 (or later). If that's true then we won't see these new beauties until 1H 2012. :(

    Basically, what many of us have been asking / begging Apple to do; release an iMac w/o the display and with removable hard drives.

    poison ivy pictures. Poison Ivy
  • Poison Ivy

  • ezekielrage_99
    Jul 23, 10:12 PM
    Why not? Conroe will have availability by WWDC, IIRC, and Merom won't be far behind- they could announce a MBP with Merom, shipping in two weeks after WWDC.

    MBP with Merom, iMac with Conroe, Mac Pro's with either Conroe and a Woodcrest quad or all Woodcrest, MacBook's with Merom or Yonah w/price drop, and Mac Mini price drop back to $499.

    It sounds very plausible plus didn't Apple say with the introduction of Intel Processers there would be more hardware updates through the year?

    Even so I'm up for the entire line update :D :cool:

    poison ivy pictures. Poison oak, Poison ivy
  • Poison oak, Poison ivy

  • arkitect
    Mar 29, 02:15 PM
    Hey Apple,
    I don't want my iPhone 5 to be leaking radiation...

    Too soon? :cool::rolleyes:

    No, not really.

    Just not funny at all.

    poison ivy pictures. poison ivy sexy
  • poison ivy sexy

  • Xtremehkr
    Mar 28, 12:06 PM
    I find this highly implausible. There is no way that Apple is going to let the iPhone fall too far behind Android phones. Maybe the design won't change much but the iPhone will certainly be updated.

    We already know that the iPhone is going to get the A5 chip in the next iteration and have already seen covers designed for the iP5.

    poison ivy pictures. Poison Ivy
  • Poison Ivy

  • Mac'nCheese
    Apr 10, 09:12 AM
    It's obvious. The answer is ALWAYS 42.

    As for the math, the equation is ambiguous. Another set of parentheses would help.

    I love your first answer.

    Still disagree with the second part, though..

    poison ivy pictures. batman poison ivy costume.
  • batman poison ivy costume.

  • MacFly123
    Mar 30, 04:14 PM
    Wow, passive aggressive much?

    Why on earth are you trying to pass off your idea off what 'good design' is on to others? Why are you criticising others for thinking that Amazon's design and UI is actually quite nice. If you want to be an Apple apparatchik, fine, but does insult me and others in the process.

    And your last paragraph is ridiculous. Firstly, 'Steve'? Are you on first name terms with him? Laughable. Secondly, just because you think a faux-theatre veneer is 'cultural and creative' (hardly creative, something 4th graders have been doing for years...), it doesn't mean it ACTUALLY is. I mean let's get real, there's a nice polish on it and it looks pretty, but displaying movies as movie posters? Hardly a shocking revelation.

    Well newbie, it appears that you know it all, so as a professional designer of UI, UX, and products, I have nothing to offer you! :rolleyes:

    Apr 20, 01:41 AM
    I honestly can not imagine why.

    This is the 3gs to the 3th gen iPhone?

    Man, imagine just buying one from verizon, don't you feel f* for not waiting a month.

    Useless for them to release another one this year. Enjoy the spoils of everybody buying it. And release a 'real worthy' upgrade to iPhone5 for early 2012 release.

    Apr 5, 01:47 PM
    2010 - Apple Loses #1 Mobile OS spot to Android OS
    2011 - Apple pisses off their JB customers and loses 10% more
    2012 - Apple loses #2 and #3 spot to Windows Mobile & HP OS

    Within 12 months Apple will own the same market share as their computers, 9% ... and it'll have been the same story: rose to glory, abuse the customer and business partners, people get sick of the rulebook and leave for more open pastures.

    This is all deja vu from the 80s repeating itself, wow.

    I dumped iPhone at xmas, now I'll likely dump iPad 2 if this trend continues. If they really push the washington involvement to stop jailbreaking, I'll get rid of my 3 iMac\MB Air\MB Pro... I don't support companies who attack me. They're here because of me, not the opposite. If they don't get that, adios.

    Apr 11, 01:06 AM
    Surely we should not interpret everything following the first division symbol as belonging in the denominator, including an additional fraction.

    You've just stumbled on a new notation for continued fractions ( Oh wait, we already have better ways of representing that.


    The only way it would be 288 is if it was written:

    Where do the square brackets fall in your interpretation of PE(MD)(AS) + left to right? And how in the name of all that is holy can you interpret that as giving 288 instead of 2. Wouldn't 288 require [2(9+3)] to evaluate to (1/6) so the final answer would be 48*6 = 228. I would have expected [48/2](9+3).


    May 4, 03:12 PM
    As long as you can burn a DVD or USB key from it, it should be a good way of distribution. It seem a bit reckless, however, not to have a offline backup around. Sometimes even Time Machine screws up.

    Apr 28, 07:07 PM
    If not this year then soon I predict Apple will revamp the MP to be a module system tied together using TB. Of course, I hope they'll wait until the 100GB TB spec is ratified and in use, otherwise it will be a step backwards. But overall I think it could be a serious improvement for the MP. You buy the "brain" you want (mini ala i3/i5, a middle brain with Desktop i5/i7, and a "pro" brain with 1 or 2 Xeons. The brain would be CPU, RAM, USB, and TB (and perhaps wireless and ethernet). You can buy storage containers and video containers as you need.

    This system would be easily and quickly standardized (commoditized) giving continuing Apple's tight fist of control but letting them spin off the lowest margined, fasting changing areas of video processors and storage.

    I personally think it will work a bit like RED's cameras ushering a new era of embedded and server room technology. You could have a fanless I/O station and/or monitor sitting on your desk with all the fans and heavy lifting equipment isolated somewhere else.

    I agree this is is a good idea, but I highly doubt Apple will be the company to do this. Apple likes to decide what you need and tightly integrate it into a complete package. Modularity is not their thing.

    What has me wondering, is how Apple might support the 14 SATA devices that the X79 chipset will natively provide. Presumably, they will determine that their average customer only needs X SATA ports, and the rest will be left unexposed. With TB support, this may not be that big of an issue for those that really need or want 10-12 drives.

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